The Religious of the Sacred Heart of Mary is an international congregation of Catholic women religious. The engraving on the cross we wear "ut vitam habeant" ("that all may have life"), taken from the Gospel of John 10:10 conveys our mission “to know and love God, to make God known and loved, to proclaim that Jesus Christ has come in order that all may have life” (RSHM Constitutions #7). Founded in 1849, we now serve in Africa, Europe, Asia, and North and South America in diverse ministries. We invite you to explore this website to learn more about our mission and history, our sisters, community life, and ministries, and how you can collaborate with us in serving with God's people. You will also be able to link to the websites of our provinces and regions.
News From Around the RSHM World

Women Risking the New
March 10, 2025“The God who invites us to risk the new is the God of our past. We already have a story…

In each of the three Synoptic Gospels, after his baptism, Jesus is reported to have spent forty days in the…

Lent: a time of personal renewal
March 5, 2025Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the Lenten season in the Catholic Church. It marks the start of a 40-day…
FeaturingWe invite you to view stories we are highlighting at this time.
RSHM Areas

RSHM first travelled to Brazil in 1911, as a result of laws established against religious congregations in Portugal. In Brazil, their presence grew and their ministries, which continue today, flourished. The province center is in Belo Horizonte, as is the congregation’s international Sacred Heart of Mary Novitiate.

Eastern and Western America
RSHM first arrived in the US in Sag Harbor, NY, in 1877. Over the years, they established communities in several parts of the country and in Mexico. Today there are two US Areas, the Eastern American with the area center in Tarrytown, NY, and the Western American which includes Mexico, with the area center in Los Angeles, CA.
Eastern America: www.rshm-east.org
Western America: www.rshm.org

Northern Europe
From their founding in Béziers, France, still location of the Mother House, the congregation expanded, initially in Europe to Ireland, Portugal, and England. Today, the Northern European Area includes RSHM communities and ministries in France, England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland. The area center is in London.

The area of Moçambique began in 1952, first as a mission and then a region of the Portuguese Area. When the country became independent and the number of African sisters increased, it became a separate region under the aegis of the General Council in Rome, with its area center in Maputo.

RSHM first went to Portugal in 1871, only 22 years after the founding of the Institute, early evidence of our internationality. Today there are communities, schools, student residences, a retreat center, and social projects throughout the country. The area center is in Lisboa.

RSHM came to Zimbabwe in 1956 and to Zambia in 1966, initially founded as missions from the United States and Ireland. The Zambezi Area was established is 1996, linking the communities and ministries of the two countries and welcoming African women sisters entering the congregation. The area center is in Lusaka, Zambia.

A Warm Welcome to the Site of the
Religious of the
"I have come that they may have life and have it to the full."
John 10:10
Religious of the
Sacred Heart of Mary
"I have come that they may have life and have it to the full."
John 10:10
Bem-vindo ao site das
Religiosas do
"Eu vim para que todos tenham vida e a tenham em abundância."
João 10:10
Religiosas do
Sacrado Coração de Maria
"Eu vim para que todos tenham vida e a tenham em abundância."
João 10:10
Bienvenidos al Sitio de las
Religiosas del
"Yo he venido para que tengan vida y la tengan en abundancia."
Juan 10:10
Religiosas del
Sagrado Corazón de Maria
"Yo he venido para que tengan vida y la tengan en abundancia."
Juan 10:10
Bienvenue Au Site Des
Religieuses du Sacré Cœur de Marie
"Je suis venu pour qu'ils aient la vie et la vie en abondance “
Jean 10, 10