Beira February 24th, 2023.
Dear Father Gailhac, how are you? I am writing this letter to share with you the graces I received last December, during my pilgrimage to the Mother House and in Portugal.
It was in wintertime and the weather was very cold in Béziers and in Portugal.
The experience was very positive, it made me reflect on my consecration to God. We had many themes to reflect on and all of them were very good for my journey.
To speak about our charism, of our first foundation, and to pass through the motherhouse at this time when we are leaving it to other people, was very painful for me, but sharing with the sisters during the meeting, I understood that we want to give life in new ways.
I want to thank God for having chosen me and to thank you, Father Gailhac, for the affection and care that you have for me and for us, your daughters.
I will write to you again soon. Today I am writing on the day we celebrate 174 years of our existence. Happy feast to all of us!
Pray always for me and for my vocation that I may be faithful to your call.
Much love from your daughter Joanita, area of Mozambique.