January 21, 2017 and February 19, 2017 were special days for the Religious of the Sacred Heart of Mary, with celebrations of both first and final profession of vows.
On January 21, 2017, the five young women pictured below made their first profession of vows: Mary from Zambia, Luísa from Mozambique, Aélita from Brazil, Celine from Zambia, and Precious from Zambia.
Our Sacred Heart of Mary Novitiate is an international one, located in Belo Horizonte, Brazil, and the profession ceremony was held during a festive Eucharistic celebration at the Parish of the Immaculate Conception, the parish of the novitiate, with many RSHM, friends and family in attendance. During the ceremony, these women professed their vows of chastity, poverty and obedience “according to the Constitutions of the Institute of the Religious of the Sacred Heart of Mary,” relying “on God’s fidelity and the support of my sisters to be faithful to my commitment in this Institute.” They received their Institute crosses, inscribed “ut vitam habeant”, “that all may have life,” which is the core of the RSHM mission. A joyous reception followed the Eucharist. We invite you to view a video of the first profession.
On February 19, 2017, in Dondo, Mozambique Feliciana professed her final vows “unconditionally and forever.” At the beginning of the Eucharistic celebration,
Feliciana’s family escorted her to the altar to offer her to the Religious of the Sacred Heart of Mary and the Church. General Councillor Sr. Maria Emília Peliz was present to receive the vows in the name of the Institute and the Church. The liturgy was characterized by joyous songs and dances, including a closing liturgical dance by all the RSHM present and by Feliciana’s singing of the “Magnificat.” Following the ceremony, the many guests–about 300 parishioners, family, friends, and RSHM–enjoyed a festive celebration.